Municipal Resilience Facility (MRF)
We are awarded the program management for the Municipal Resilience Facility (MRF) in Turkey financed by the European Union Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian Crisis (MADAD Fund) implemented by ILBANK with our consortium partners SAFEGE (France) and EPTİSA (Spain). MADAD Fund is administered by the European Investment Bank. The MRF supports a series of investments in municipal infrastructure in the field of water, wastewater, wwtp and solid waste to support Turkish municipalities most affected by the Syrian refugees crisis; in 5 cities and total 22 different projects. The contract is tendered, awarded and signed directly with the European Investment Bank, Luxembourg; and We will assist the Bank for the management of the serios of the project. It is also the success of the private sector in management of Public Finance, a new approach; actually a kind of outsourcing of the PIU to the private sector.
Within this scope;
• Review the Project Information Documents (PID) of identified 22 schemes under the 5 Municipalities
• Design and pilot a social impact monitoring system for the MRF, and provide capacity building to the final beneficiaries to apply it. Ensure compliance of the identified projects with the EIB’s social standards
• EIB standartlarına uyumla ilgili Çevresel ve Sosyal risklerinin bir değerlendirmesi de dâhil olmak üzere, belirlenen 22 program için EIB’nin durum tespitine sunulmak üzere incelenmiş bir Proje Özet Belgeleri (Project Summary Document-PSD) portföyü geliştirmek
Develop a vetted portfolio of Project Summary Documents (PSD) for submission to EIB’s due diligence for the 22 identified schemes including an assessment of E&S risks in relation to compliance with EIB standards
Review the preliminary or detailed design as agreed in PSD stage, and where needed/justified provide proposals for optimisation and quality assurance of identified 22 schemes under the 5 Municipalities.
• Assistance to EIB Appraisal of the identified 22 schemes, including E&S appraisal
• Quality assurance of Tender Documentation and monitoring of the procurement process of works and supplies for the 22 identified projects
• MADAD Fonu için Program Yönetimi
• Supporting to monitoring of works under the Investment Grant Window, including follow-up of reporting by the relevant stakeholders