Last-Mile Rail and Road Infrastructure Connectivity to/from Port and Filyos Industrial Zone Project
Consultancy Services For Engineering Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents for Civil Works, and Construction Supervision of Last-Mile Rail and Road Infrastructure Connectivity to/from Filyos Port and Filyos Industrial Zone Construction Works will include 4.3 km of last-mile dual carriageway highway connectivity and 13.3 km of last-mile double-track rail connectivity, including on-dock rail and two intermodal stations, between the Filyos port complex and the main national highway and railway linehaul. The existing Gökçeler Rail Station will be expanded to 900m2, while a new Filyos Port Rail Station (1,100m2) will be built within the scope of the project. The project involves 13m-span, 11m high, and 387m long separate rail and road bridges as the most critical construction item, as well as 7 rail box culverts, 2 additional rail underpasses and bridges, and 1 road box culvert, which will provide reinforced flood protection.It also includes a multi-layer road interchange that will provide connection to the main highway. The engineering design review and preparation of bidding documents phase of the assignment will build on the existing engineering design for last-mile rail and road infrastructure connectivity to/from Filyos Port and its adjacent Industrial Zone. The Consultant will supervise the construction of Filyos Port last-mile rail and road infrastructure connectivity civil works in accordance with the updated and revised engineering design and respective ESMP, including all ESMP sub-management plans.
We provide technical services for;
• Design review
• Preparation of bidding documents
• Technical assistance during the bidding stage
• Tasks prior to start of construction works
• Supervision tasks
• Administration of the Civil Works Contract
• Supervision during the Commissioning, Defects Liability and Maintenance Period